Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mega Man Legends: Stepping Into 3D

   Today you get an audio clip, rather than the usual paragraphs. The Link below will lead to my post on where you can listen to ramble on as many times as you like. Enjoy.

               The Audio Clip at DivShare


    (2001). Mega Man Legends. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed April 30, 2013].

   Mega Man Legends. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed April 30, 2013].

   RawmeatCowboy (2012). Inafune at GDC - Mega Man Legends a sales failure, Resident Evil was almost canned, Mega Man's future. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed April 30, 2013].

   Mega Man Legends (video game). [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed April 30, 2013].